Go through the Martian Atmosphere
Credit- Earth Sky Martian Atmosphere The martian atmosphere in comparison to the earth's atmosphere is very thin. It consists of Carbon Dioxide as its main gas(96%). Mars experience opposite colors in its atmosphere which earth experiences during the day and the sunset. The Martian Sky Appears red during the day whereas it is blur during the sunset and the sunrise which is totally opposite to that of earth sky. Why the Martian sky appears red? Credit - Forbes The Martian Sky appears red due to the presence of iron oxide in its soil which scatters red color and absorbs blue color due to which the sky appears red. Why the sky appears blue during the sunset/sunrise? credit- Daily Mail The dust particles of the martian soil always create a blue halo around the sun which appears clearly when the sun is near the horizon ie during the sunset and sunrise which makes the sky blue during the sunset and sunrise. Distribution of Gases in the Martian ...